Blog | HPRG Musée de la Vie romantique, Hotel Scheffer-Renan: Pierre Loti (1850-1923) Spirits of the Orient till December 3rd 2006 in Paris. – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

Musée de la Vie romantique, Hotel Scheffer-Renan: Pierre Loti (1850-1923) Spirits of the Orient till December 3rd 2006 in Paris.

The exhibition at the musee de la Vie romantique highlights the many facets of the writer Pierre Loti – born as Julien Viaud in Rochefort.

Pierre Loti was a widely known novelist as well as a prolific journalist and a successful naval officer. This last allowed him to be a much travelled globe trotter and provided him much of his inspiration. The exhibition makes clear Loti’s romantic fascination with Islam. The visitor will taste the world of his memories : Constantinople, Alger, Egypt, the Sina; Iceland… as well Rochefort the town of his childhood…


Musee de la Vie romantique
Hôtel Scheffer-Renan
16 rue Chaptal – 75009 Paris
tl. : 01 55 31 95 67

Access :
métro station: Saint-Georges, Pigalle, Blanche, Liège
bus 67, 68, 7

Open every day, 10 am – 18pm
Except Mondays and some holidays

Exposition : Full price : 7 €, 5,50€, 3,50€ Free for the permanent collection.

For further information, you can visit the official website:
Musée de la vie romantique