Blog | HPRG Vélib’: Paris bike rental stations in Summer 2007 – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

Vélib’: Paris bike rental stations in Summer 2007

An innovating bike rental system soon available this summer in Paris!

The City of Paris has announced an agreement with the Decaux Group to install a network of 20,000 bicycles, available at hundreds of rental stations placed approximately every 300 meters.

The first half-hour of use is free, then 1 euro for the 2nd half-hour, 2 euros for the third half-hour, and 4 euros for the following.
Another pricing plan is outlined for daily, weekly, or yearly use:
– daily use: 1€
– weekly use:5€
– yearly year:29€.

The service Vélib’ will be provided this summer 2007

For further information, you can visit the following website: